NETFLIX AND CHILL it with the streaming services

How many people really use DVDs anymore? I guess it really isn’t many. As the Boomers will remind you often, no one listens to CDs anymore. To the complete disappointment of anyone (or at least the most vocal) over the age of 40, DVDs are extinct along with basically all forms of physical media. Replaced by the new media overlords: streaming. Whether it’s video or music, we mostly use an app. Now, you need not worry, I’m not about to shred your ears with the same-old same-old about harming the CD and DVD sales industry because to be honest- I don’t care about that. I, like many of you, have grown up with physical CDs and DVDs, but also with streaming apps for a lot of my life. YouTube was created in 2009, when most of us Youth would have only been between six to nine years old. Even if you do ‘belong in a different time’, you probably use an app most often when you listen to those vintage Maroon 5 hits. No, to repeat myself, I don’t care about that. What I am interested in is the unknown epidemic that’s quickly dominating the media industry from our old friend Capitalism.

When you decide you want a piece of the mean, lean stream machine, you have plenty to pick from:    Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Now TV (etc., etc., etc.) You’re spoilt for choice! But, if you were to pick a streaming service, why would it be that one? It’s probably not for the interface, Netflix has basically got that down with its sleek browsing menu and easy slider for watching media. Maybe for price? Price is a good point, not everyone can afford that £12 a month to watch a few films and maybe a series. Content is the big reason though, right? If you really wanted to see that film, or just couldn’t wait for that TV show then you could probably get a free trial for the site, or pay the fee and watch the content. Some streaming services are even releasing original content (looking at you, Netflix …) in the hopes of swaying customers. The point is, there aren’t that many reasons to choose one streaming service, and they’re pretty similar in all but content.

[E n t e r  D i s n e y] Now, I’m not going to blame the whole thing on Disney, that’s not really fair. What I will say is that it is the introduction of Disney to the entertainment dating pool that certainly made me  notice the whole ordeal. Disney own a ridiculous amount of our media. Star Wars? Check. Grey’s Anatomy? Check. Phineas and Ferb? I mean it’s a big blow to any true art fan, but check. The company is worth $150 billion, which to put in simple terms is how much money the entire US population spent on illicit drugs last year. A whole load of cash. This massing of entertainment media only means that if you now want to see any of these, you’re going to need to get Disney Plus! This goes for each and every streaming service- You want to watch anything, you’re either going to have to fork out the cash, or pick and choose knowing   you’ll be missing out. 

For years there has been the consistent echoing of media from streaming service to streaming service, meaning the viewer misses out. Even though you’re an avid fan of both anime and romance you’ll probably have to pick between Naruto and Bridget Jones’ Diary just because you don’t have the dosh to dish out for the whole streaming shebang. As teenagers it’s safe to say that we either don’t have any money or we’re too bad with it to keep it so how are we of all people to afford 10 different streaming services?

Now this article is to inform, meaning I can offer alternatives, but you see that’s the issue – there isn’t one. Short of piracy the only way to get this media is through the sites and piracy shouldn’t be the only option on the seven seas. Though I will say (and of course not endorse it) if you google any film and then add that magical suffix -google drive- then you’ll probably find it online for free. Power to the proletariat!* The ridiculous thing about the chokehold on the market is that it really can only be remedied by the sites or even the government. It’s up to the powers that be, meaning your government (Get on it, Boris!) to start policing the rampant greed which has now meant you can’t enjoy an episode of The Office [US] without paying for a new site or downloading a VPN (no discount code from me).

*we arrgh definitely not endorsing piracy*


