
Showing posts from August, 2020

NETFLIX AND CHILL it with the streaming services

How many people really use DVDs anymore? I guess it really isn’t many. As the Boomers will remind you often, no one listens to CDs anymore. To the complete disappointment of anyone (or at least the most vocal) over the age of 40, DVDs are extinct along with basically all forms of physical media. Replaced by the new media overlords: streaming. Whether it’s video or music, we mostly use an app. Now, you need not worry, I’m not about to shred your ears with the same-old same-old about harming the CD and DVD sales industry because to be honest- I don’t care about that. I, like many of you, have grown up with physical CDs and DVDs, but also with streaming apps for a lot of my life. YouTube was created in 2009, when most of us Youth would have only been between six to nine years old. Even if you do ‘belong in a different time’, you probably use an app most often when you listen to those vintage Maroon 5 hits. No, to repeat myself, I don’t care about that. What I am interested in is the unkno...