
Personal Identity and Quarantine

I remember reading a post in December of last year, it said something along the lines of 'if you even consider that you might be trans, you probably are' to which my naive cis-illusioned brain said 'Ha! Ridiculous! I am just considering the possibility!" I am here to tell you...I was wrong. And this isn't me pushing a trans agenda upon the population, not yet, it's simply that I think we all are so caught up in gender presentation that for many of us it is something disconnected from ourselves. We aren't actually in tune with our own feelings, just what we expect ourselves to be. I understand this is not the case for every person, many people will know from a young age, or find it obvious that they are trans, but for me it was something far off and just didn't coincide with what I believed 'gender' was. Funnily enough, I've always been very 'anti-gender' in my own way. I've believed for a long time that gender is essentially usel...

NETFLIX AND CHILL it with the streaming services

How many people really use DVDs anymore? I guess it really isn’t many. As the Boomers will remind you often, no one listens to CDs anymore. To the complete disappointment of anyone (or at least the most vocal) over the age of 40, DVDs are extinct along with basically all forms of physical media. Replaced by the new media overlords: streaming. Whether it’s video or music, we mostly use an app. Now, you need not worry, I’m not about to shred your ears with the same-old same-old about harming the CD and DVD sales industry because to be honest- I don’t care about that. I, like many of you, have grown up with physical CDs and DVDs, but also with streaming apps for a lot of my life. YouTube was created in 2009, when most of us Youth would have only been between six to nine years old. Even if you do ‘belong in a different time’, you probably use an app most often when you listen to those vintage Maroon 5 hits. No, to repeat myself, I don’t care about that. What I am interested in is the unkno...

Reading while ADHD

I thought I might write a bit about the experience and relationship I have with reading. I am self diagnosed with ADHD (due to not being able to get a proper diagnosis, but trust me, it's definitely right) and love English Literature. I have always loved to read, though looking back at my life it feels as though I've never read a book in my life. There are many aspects of my life that affect my reading experiences, not just ADHD, but this is a large part of it and it isn't discussed very often.  I find that as I read books I want to skip passages so I have to reread, or I read while also simultaneously thinking of something else, meaning it's been 10 minutes and I've read three pages and I haven't taken in any of the information. Due to how my brain works I've found that it's easier for me to focus on one passage and analyse it which suits English analysis perfectly. When reading Macbeth for GCSE I could never read the whole play in one sitting but I lov...

Rock, Flag and Dudebros

Over its runtime ‘ It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia ’ has always been an unmistakably political and silly show. Sometimes people might believe that the more farcical elements of the show make the show less political, but in reality, irreverence is its greatest tool. Sunny, the longest running sitcom in history, balances on the knife’s edge of comedy and politics and in doing so forms some of the most impactful arguments seen on modern television. Here I’m going to write a bit about the episode from season two called ‘ Charlie Goes America All Over Everyone’s Ass ’ and how it has an interesting commentary on the culture of misguided patriotism and blind nationalism in America.      The episode is fairly normal for Sunny , there’s a seemingly small disagreement between the gang, which could have definitely been handled subtly, however it soon escalates into schemes and tricks which are just all the more fun for us. Charlie is annoyed due to the lack of recognition he gets ...

intro !

hello! i'm going to use this lovely corner of the internet to shout into the void about all of my interests! I like to talk about literature, film and tv, but sometimes there's other things which I want to get off my chest, so if you like that then cool, stick around :)